Upgrading Cordova iOS
Please note that Xcode 4 is required. To submit to the Apple App Store, you must use the latest shipped version of the iOS SDK, which is iOS 5.1. The iOS 5.1 SDK requires Xcode 4.
Upgrading Cordova 1.8.x projects to 1.9.0
- Install Cordova 1.9.0
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
- Copy the www/cordova-1.9.0.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/cordova-1.8.x.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new cordova-1.9.0.js file
1.9.0 supports the new "BackupWebStorage" boolean setting in Cordova.plist. By default, this setting is turned on, set it to "false" to turn it off - especially for iOS 6 - see Release Notes - Safari and UIKit Section
Upgrading Cordova 1.7.0 projects to 1.8.x
- Install Cordova 1.8.0
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
- Copy the www/cordova-1.8.0.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/cordova-1.7.x.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new cordova-1.8.0.js file
If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new iPad retina-display assets:
- Copy the Resources/Capture.bundle item from the new project into your project folder, over-writing your existing Resources/Capture.bundle item
- In your project, select the Capture.bundle item into Xcode into your Project Navigator, and press the Delete key, then select Remove Reference from the dialog that pops up.
- Drag the new Capture.bundle from Step 1. above into Xcode into your Project Navigator, and select the Create groups for any added folders radio-button
Upgrading Cordova 1.6.x projects to 1.7.0
- Install Cordova 1.7.0
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
- Copy the www/cordova-1.7.0.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/cordova-1.6.0.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new cordova-1.7.0.js file
Upgrading Cordova 1.5.0 projects to 1.6.x
- Install Cordova 1.6.1
- Make a backup of AppDelegate.m, AppDelegate.h, MainViewController.m, MainViewController.h, and Cordova.plist in your project
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
Copy these files from the new project into your 1.5.0 based project folder on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m Cordova.plist
- Add all the new MainViewController and AppDelegate files into your Xcode project
- Copy the www/cordova-1.6.1.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/cordova-1.5.0.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new cordova-1.6.1.js file
- Add the new Cordova.plist file into your project - this is because the core plugin service names needed to be changed to match the ones from Android and BlackBerry, for a unified Cordova JavaScript file (cordova-js).
- Integrate any settings, Plugins and ExternalHosts entries that you had in your backed-up Cordova.plist into the new Cordova.plist
- Integrate any project specific code that you have in your backed-up AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m into the new AppDelegate files. Any UIWebViewDelegate or CDVCommandDelegate code in AppDelegate.m will need to go into MainViewController.m now (see commented out sections in that file)
- Integrate any project specific code that you have in your backed-up MainViewController.h and MainViewController.m into the new MainViewController files
- Click on the project icon in the Project Navigator, select your Project, then select the "Build Settings" tab
- Enter "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" in the search field
- Select the "Apple LLVM Compiler 3.1" value
Upgrading Cordova 1.4.x projects to 1.5.0
- Install Cordova 1.5.0
- Create a new project and run it once - you will have to grab assets from this new project
- Copy the www/cordova-1.5.0.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/phonegap-1.4.x.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new Cordova cordova-1.5.0.js file
- Find "PhoneGap.framework" in your Project Navigator, select it
- Press the Delete key and delete the "PhoneGap.framework" reference in the Project Navigator
- Press the key combination Option-Command-A, which should drop down a sheet to add files to your project (the "Add Files…" sheet). Make sure the "Created groups for any added folders" radio-button is selected
- Press the key combination Shift-Command-G, which should drop down another sheet for you to go to a folder (the "Go to the folder:" sheet)
- Enter "/Users/Shared/Cordova/Frameworks/Cordova.framework" in the "Go to the folder:" sheet and then press the "Go" button
- Press the "Add" button in the "Add Files…" sheet
- Select "Cordova.framework" in the Project Navigator
- Press the key combination Option-Command-1 to show the File Inspector
- Choose "Absolute Path" in the File Inspector for the drop-down menu for Location
- Press the key combination Option-Command-A, which should drop down a sheet to add files to your project (the "Add Files…" sheet). Make sure the "Created groups for any added folders" radio-button is selected
- Press the key combination Shift-Command-G, which should drop down another sheet for you to go to a folder (the "Go to the folder:" sheet)
- Enter "~/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/deprecated" in the "Go to the folder:" sheet and then press the "Go" button
- Press the "Add" button in the "Add Files…" sheet
In your AppDelegate.h, AppDelegate.m, and MainViewController.h files - replace the whole #ifdef PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK block with:
#import "CDVDeprecated.h"
- Click on the project icon in the Project Navigator, select your Target, then select the "Build Settings" tab
- Search for "Framework Search Paths"
- Replace the existing value with "/Users/Shared/Cordova/Frameworks"
- Search for "Preprocessor Macros"
- For the first (combined) value, replace the value with "CORDOVA_FRAMEWORK=YES"
- Select the "Build Phases" tab
- Expand "Run Script"
- Replace any occurrences of PhoneGap with Cordova
- Find your "PhoneGap.plist" file in the Project Navigator, and click on the filename once to enter name edit mode
- Rename "PhoneGap.plist" to "Cordova.plist"
- Right-click on "Cordova.plist" and choose "Open As" --> "Source Code"
- Press Option-Command-F, choose "Replace" from the drop-down on the top left of the Source window
- Enter com.phonegap for the Find string, and org.apache.cordova for the Replace string - then press the "Replace All" button
- Enter PG for the Find string, and CDV for the Replace string - then press the "Replace All" button
- Press Command-B to build, you will still have deprecations that you can get rid of in the future (see CDVDeprecated.h - replace classes in your code that use PG* to CDV*, for example)
Upgrading Cordova 1.4.0 projects to 1.4.1
- Install Cordova 1.4.1
- Make a backup of MainViewController.m
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
- Copy the MainViewController.m file from the new project into your 1.4.0 based project folder on disk, replacing the old file (backup your files first from step 2 above).
- Add the MainViewController.m file into your Xcode project
- Integrate any project specific code that you have in your backed-up MainViewController.m into the new file
- Updating the phonegap-X.X.X.js file is optional, nothing has changed in the JavaScript between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
Upgrading Cordova 1.3.0 projects to 1.4.0
- Install Cordova 1.4.0
- Make a backup of AppDelegate.m and AppDelegate.h in your project
- Create a new project - you will have to grab assets from this new project
Copy these files from the new project into your 1.3.0 based project folder on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
- Add all the MainViewController files into your Xcode project
- Copy the www/phonegap-1.4.0.js file from the new project into your www folder, and delete your www/phonegap-1.3.0.js file
- Update the Cordova script reference in your www/index.html file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new phonegap-1.4.0.js file
- Add a new entry under Plugins in your PhoneGap.plist file - key is com.phonegap.battery and the value is PGBattery
- Integrate any project specific code that you have in your backed-up AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m into the new AppDelegate files