- Overview
- Platform Support
- The Command-Line Interface
- Platform Guides
- Using Plugman to Manage Plugins
- The config.xml File
- Icons and Splash Screens
- Embedding WebViews
- Plugin Development Guide
- Privacy Guide
- Security Guide
- Platforms and Plugins Version Management
- Whitelist Guide
- Storage
- Hooks Guide
- Next Steps
- Events
- Plugin APIs
This version of the documentation is outdated!
Click here for the latest released version.
Start here if you are new to Cordova. Includes installation and next steps. -
Platform Support
Compatibility table for all major features. -
The Command-Line Interface
Create, build, and deploy from the command-line. -
Platform Guides
Set up each platform SDK and update projects. -
Using Plugman to Manage Plugins
Manage plugins without the CLI when using the platform-centered workflow. -
The config.xml File
Customize your app's features. -
Icons and Splash Screens
Customize your app's displaying images. -
Embedding WebViews
Implement the Cordova WebView in your native project. -
Plugin Development Guide
Develop your own plugin. -
Privacy Guide
Learn about important mobile privacy issues. -
Security Guide
Information and tips for building a secure application. -
Platforms and Plugins Version Management
Save and Restore your CLI projects to a known state without hassle. -
Whitelist Guide
Grant an application access to external resources. -
An overview of native storage options. -
Hooks Guide
Extend default Cordova functionality by adding custom scripts. -
Next Steps
A look at topics that new Cordova developers will encounter.
API Reference
Hook into native events through JavaScript. -
Plugin APIs
Discover what Cordova plugins are available to use in your project.