Project Settings

You can set various application configuration parameters using a platform-agnostic configuration file, config.xml. This file is based on the W3C Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) specification.

The location of the config.xml file is different depending on the platform. The contents, in general, are not.

Platform-Specific Properties

As with any abstraction layer, Apache Cordova cannot be a perfect silver bullet. As such, some native and platform-specific properties, characterstics and behaviours are encapsulated as much as possible as <preference> elements inside the config.xml file. The following sub-sections linked to are guides which go into more details about these preferences.

config.xml Elements

The Apache Cordova project strives abstract away native platform specifics via web-inspired and web-based abstractions that are heavily standards driven and adopted by the web community. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the config.xml specification, to understand the type of application metadata the Apache Cordova project aims to abstract and provide simple entry points for.

An example:

        <preference name="MySetting" value="true" />
            <plugin name="MyPlugin" value="MyPluginClass" />
        <access origin="*" />

A list of supported elements across major platforms which are supported in Apache Cordova follow.


These elements map to native APIs that the application will be able to access. At runtime, the Apache Cordova framework checks the <plugin> elements and maps them to native code to enable your Cordova application to access device APIs otherwise unavailable to typical web-based applications.


These elements define how your whitelist works. Please see the Domain Whitelist Guide for more information.


This element defines the start page of your application, relative to the project's standard web assets root folder. The default is "index.html".