Version Management

Cordova allows developers to save and restore platforms and plugins, eliminating the need to check in platform and plugin source code.

When a platform or plugin is added, its version details are automatically saved to the package.json file.

The recommended way to add or remove platforms and plugins is by using the Cordova CLI commands:

  • cordova platform add|remove ...
  • cordova plugin add|remove ...

Using these commands helps prevent out-of-sync issues.

While it is technically possible to add a platform or plugin by editing package.json directly, this is strongly discouraged.

The restore process runs automatically when executing cordova prepare, using the information stored in package.json and config.xml. This applies to both platforms and plugins. If a platform or plugin is defined in both files, package.json takes priority.

One scenario where save/restore capabilities come in handy is in large teams that work on an app, with each team member focusing on a platform or plugin. This feature makes it easier to share the project and reduce the amount of redundant code that is checked in the repository.

The adding and removing mechanisim that Cordova CLI uses for platforms and plugins is controlled by npm CLI. Below we will take a look at the command syntax and examples.

Adding Platforms and Plugins

Command Syntax:

cordova <platform | plugin> add [<package-spec> ...]

The package-spec argument supports most formats accepted by the npm CLI.

Examples include:

  • Scoped and non-scoped npm packages
  • Local directory paths
  • Git remote URLs
  • Tarball archives
  • Cordova Resolved Names for official Cordova platforms

Additionally, the --nosave flag could be appended to the command to prevent adding of specified platform and plugins from the package.json file.

Quick Overview:

When you add a platform or plugin, package.json is updated with its dependencies and Cordova-specific metadata.

For example, running the following commands in a Cordova project:

cordova platform add android@13.0.0
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device@3.0.0

Would result in package.json containing the following entries:

"devDependencies": {
  "cordova-android": "^13.0.0",
  "cordova-plugin-device": "^3.0.0"
"cordova": {
  "platforms": [
  "plugins": {
    "cordova-plugin-device": {}

When restoring a Cordova project, this metadata determines which platforms and plugins will be installed.

Various add Examples

  • Cordova Resolved Names for Platforms:

      cordova platform add android

    If no tag or version is specified, the Cordova CLI will fetch the latest release.

      cordova platform add electron@latest

    NPM tags are supported and can be appended to the end of the package specification.

      cordova platform add ios@7.1.1

    Exact release versions published to the npm registry are also supported and can be appended to the end of the package specification.

  • npm Package:

      cordova platform add cordova-android
      cordova platform add cordova-android@latest
      cordova platform add cordova-android@13.0.0
      cordova platform add @cordova/some-platform
      cordova platform add @cordova/some-platform@latest
      cordova platform add @cordova/some-platform@1.0.0
      cordova plugin some-cordova-plugin
      cordova plugin some-cordova-plugin@latest
      cordova plugin add @cordova/some-plugin
      cordova plugin add @cordova/some-plugin@latest
      cordova plugin add @cordova/some-plugin@1.0.0

    Scoped and non-scope npm packages are supported for both platforms and plugins. Optionally, npm package tags or released versions can be targeted by appending to the end of the package name. (e.g. package-name@latest).

    Please note that the scoped packages shown above are only examples and do not exist.

  • Git remote URL:

      cordova platform add git://
      cordova platform add git://
      cordova platform add git://
      cordova platform add
      cordova platform add
      cordova platform add
      cordova platform add
      cordova platform add
      cordova platform add

    Various Git URL formats are supported for installing platforms and plugins. Optionally, a treeish (branch name, tag, or commit ID) can be specified by appending #<treeish> to the URL.

    When targeting a treeish, ensure it is production-ready before using it in a production environment. This functionality is useful for testing and reviewing pull requests, future releases, or release votes.

  • Git service short hand:

      cordova platform add github:apache/cordova-android
      cordova platform add github:apache/cordova-android#feature-branch
      cordova platform add github:apache/cordova-android#rel/13.0.0

    Platforms and plugins can also be checked out from Git repositories using a shorthand format.

    If your repository is hosted on another Git service, such as Bitbucket or GitLab, you can modify the command to target these services.

    Branches and tags can also be targeted using the shorthand format. However, ensure that the specified branch or version is production-ready before using it in production.

  • Tarball Archive:

      cordova platform add ~/path/to/a/tarbal.tgz

    Currently, only platforms support installation from a tarball package. The supported archive formats are .tar.gz, .tgz, and .tar.

  • Local Directory Path:

      cordova platform add ~/path/to/a/cordova-platform
      cordova plugin add ~/path/to/a/cordova-plugin
      cordova platform add C:/Path/to/a/cordova-platform
      cordova plugin add C:/Path/to/a/cordova-plugin

    Platforms and plugins can be installed from a local directory path.

Removing Platforms and Plugins

Command Syntax:

cordova <platform | plugin> remove <package-name>

The remove command also has an alias of rm.

The package-name argument must be the name of the platform or plugin you want to remove.

For Apache Cordova's platforms, you MUST use the Cordova Resolved Names when removing them.

The --nosave flag could be appended to the command to prevent removal of specified platform and plugins from the package.json file.

Various remove Examples

  • Removing platforms:

      cordova platform remove android

    The above command will remove the cordova-android platform from the project and package.json file.

    Note: If the platform definition existed in config.xml from older version's of Cordova CLI, it will also be removed from config.xml.

  • Removing plugins:

      cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-device

    The above command will remove the cordova-plugin-device plugin from the project and package.json file.

    Note: If the plugin definition existed in config.xml from older version's of Cordova CLI, it will also be removed from config.xml.

Important Notes on Platform Restoration

  1. What version is installed when using cordova platform add android and the platform is defined in config.xml?

    If the config.xml file contains the following entry:

     <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
         <engine name="android" spec="13.0.0" />

    When running the cordova platform add android command with no version provided, it will use the spec version defined in config.xml. In this example it would be 13.0.0.

  2. What version is restored if a platform is defined in both config.xml and package.json?

    Suppose your project has the following configurations:


     <engine name="android" spec=“12.0.0” />


     "cordova": {
         "platforms": [
     "dependencies": {
         "cordova-android": "^13.0.0"

    When cordova prepare is executed, the version from package.json has higher priority over config.xml. It will install version ^13.0.0.

Cordova Resolved Names

Cordova Resolved Name NPM Package Name
android cordova-android
electron cordova-electron
ios cordova-ios
browser cordova-browser