
A PositionError object is passed to the [geolocationError](../parameters/geolocationError.html) callback when an error occurs.


  • code: One of the predefined error codes listed below.

  • message: Error message describing the details of the error encountered.


  • PositionError.TIMEOUT


The PositionError object is passed to the [geolocationError](../parameters/geolocationError.html) callback function when an error occurs with geolocation. It features the following error codes:

  • PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED: Returned when users do not allow the app to retrieve position information. This is dependent on the platform.

  • PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position. In general, this means the device is not connected to a network or can't get a satellite fix.

  • PositionError.TIMEOUT: Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position within the time specified by the timeout included in [geolocationOptions](../parameters/geolocation.options.html). When used with [geolocation.watchPosition](../geolocation.watchPosition.html), this error could be repeatedly passed to the [geolocationError](../parameters/geolocationError.html) callback every timeout milliseconds.