
A set of properties that describe the geographic coordinates of a position.


  • latitude: Latitude in decimal degrees. (Number)

  • longitude: Longitude in decimal degrees. (Number)

  • altitude: Height of the position in meters above the ellipsoid. (Number)

  • accuracy: Accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters. (Number)

  • altitudeAccuracy: Accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters. (Number)

  • heading: Direction of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north. (Number)

  • speed: Current ground speed of the device, specified in meters per second. (Number)


The Coordinates object is attached to the [Position](../Position/position.html) object that is available to callback functions in requests for the current position.

Supported Platforms

  • Amazon Fire OS
  • Android
  • BlackBerry WebWorks 5.0+
  • iOS
  • Tizen
  • Windows Phone 7 and 8
  • Windows 8

Quick Example

// onSuccess Callback
var onSuccess = function(position) {
    alert('Latitude: '          + position.coords.latitude          + '\n' +
          'Longitude: '         + position.coords.longitude         + '\n' +
          'Altitude: '          + position.coords.altitude          + '\n' +
          'Accuracy: '          + position.coords.accuracy          + '\n' +
          'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy  + '\n' +
          'Heading: '           + position.coords.heading           + '\n' +
          'Speed: '             + position.coords.speed             + '\n' +
          'Timestamp: '         + position.timestamp                + '\n');

// onError Callback
var onError = function() {

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);

Full Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Geolocation Position Example</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

    // wait for device API libraries to load
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

    // device APIs are available
    function onDeviceReady() {
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);

    // Display `Position` properties from the geolocation
    function onSuccess(position) {
        var div = document.getElementById('myDiv');

        div.innerHTML = 'Latitude: '             + position.coords.latitude         + '<br/>' +
                        'Longitude: '            + position.coords.longitude        + '<br/>' +
                        'Altitude: '             + position.coords.altitude         + '<br/>' +
                        'Accuracy: '             + position.coords.accuracy         + '<br/>' +
                        'Altitude Accuracy: '    + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '<br/>' +
                        'Heading: '              + position.coords.heading          + '<br/>' +
                        'Speed: '                + position.coords.speed            + '<br/>';

    // Show an alert if there is a problem getting the geolocation
    function onError() {

    <div id="myDiv"></div>

Amazon Fire OS Quirks

altitudeAccuracy: Not supported by Android devices, returning null.

Android Quirks

altitudeAccuracy: Not supported by Android devices, returning null.