
This object represents a directory on a file system. It is defined in the W3C Directories and Systems specification.


  • isFile: Always false. (boolean)
  • isDirectory: Always true. (boolean)
  • name: The name of the DirectoryEntry, excluding the path leading to it. (DOMString)
  • fullPath: The full absolute path from the root to the DirectoryEntry. (DOMString)

NOTE: The following attributes are defined by the W3C specification, but are not supported by Cordova:

  • filesystem: The file system on which the DirectoryEntry resides. (FileSystem)


The following methods can be invoked on a DirectoryEntry object:

  • getMetadata: Look up metadata about a directory.
  • setMetadata: Set metadata on a directory.
  • moveTo: Move a directory to a different location on the file system.
  • copyTo: Copy a directory to a different location on the file system.
  • toURL: Return a URL that can be used to locate a directory.
  • remove: Delete a directory. The directory must be empty.
  • getParent: Look up the parent directory.
  • createReader: Create a new DirectoryReader that can read entries from a directory.
  • getDirectory: Create or look up a directory.
  • getFile: Create or look up a file.
  • removeRecursively: Delete a directory and all of its contents.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher)
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone 7 ( Mango )


Look up metadata about a directory.


  • successCallback - A callback that is called with a Metadata object. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs retrieving the Metadata. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(metadata) {
    console.log("Last Modified: " + metadata.modificationTime);

function fail(error) {

// Request the metadata object for this entry
entry.getMetadata(success, fail);


Set metadata on a directory. Only works on iOS currently - this will set the extended attributes of a directory.


  • successCallback - A callback that is called when the metadata was successfully set. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called when the metadata was not successfully set. (Function)
  • metadataObject - An object that contains the metadata keys and values. (Object)

Quick Example

function success() {
    console.log("The metadata was successfully set.");

function fail() {
    alert("There was an error in setting the metadata");

// Set the metadata
entry.setMetadata(success, fail, { "": 1}); __iOS Quirk__
  • only the "" extended attribute is supported. Set the value to 1 to NOT enable the directory to be backed up by iCloud. Set the value to 0 to re-enable the directory to be backed up by iCloud.


Move a directory to a different location on the file system. It is an error to attempt to:

  • move a directory inside itself or to any child at any depth;
  • move a directory into its parent if a name different from its current one is not provided;
  • move a directory to a path occupied by a file;
  • move a directory to a path occupied by a directory which is not empty.

In addition, an attempt to move a directory on top of an existing empty directory must attempt to delete and replace that directory.


  • parent - The parent directory to which to move the directory. (DirectoryEntry)
  • newName - The new name of the directory. Defaults to the current name if unspecified. (DOMString)
  • successCallback - A callback that is called with the DirectoryEntry object of the new directory. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to move the directory. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(entry) {
    console.log("New Path: " + entry.fullPath);

function fail(error) {

function moveDir(entry) {
    var parent = document.getElementById('parent').value,
        parentName = parent.substring(parent.lastIndexOf('/')+1),
        newName = document.getElementById('newName').value,
        parentEntry = new DirectoryEntry(parentName, parent);

    // move the directory to a new directory and rename it
    entry.moveTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail);


Copy a directory to a different location on the file system. It is an error to attempt to:

  • copy a directory inside itself at any depth;
  • copy a directory into its parent if a name different from its current one is not provided.

Directory copies are always recursive - that is, they copy all contents of the directory.


  • parent - The parent directory to which to copy the directory. (DirectoryEntry)
  • newName - The new name of the directory. Defaults to the current name if unspecified. (DOMString)
  • successCallback - A callback that is called with the DirectoryEntry object of the new directory. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to copy the underlying directory. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function win(entry) {
	console.log("New Path: " + entry.fullPath);

function fail(error) {

function copyDir(entry) {
    var parent = document.getElementById('parent').value,
        parentName = parent.substring(parent.lastIndexOf('/')+1),
        newName = document.getElementById('newName').value,
        parentEntry = new DirectoryEntry(parentName, parent);

    // copy the directory to a new directory and rename it
    entry.copyTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail);


Returns a URL that can be used to locate the directory.

Quick Example

// Get the URL for this directory
var dirURL = entry.toURL();


Deletes a directory. It is an error to attempt to:

  • delete a directory that is not empty;
  • delete the root directory of a filesystem.


  • successCallback - A callback that is called after the directory has been deleted. Invoked with no parameters. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the directory. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(entry) {
    console.log("Removal succeeded");

function fail(error) {
    alert('Error removing directory: ' + error.code);

// remove this directory
entry.remove(success, fail);


Look up the parent DirectoryEntry containing the directory.


  • successCallback - A callback that is called with the directory's parent DirectoryEntry. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to retrieve the parent DirectoryEntry. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(parent) {
    console.log("Parent Name: " +;

function fail(error) {
    alert('Failed to get parent directory: ' + error.code);

// Get the parent DirectoryEntry
entry.getParent(success, fail);


Creates a new DirectoryReader to read entries in a directory.

Quick Example

// create a directory reader
var directoryReader = entry.createReader();


Creates or looks up an existing directory. It is an error to attempt to:

  • create a directory whose immediate parent does not yet exist.


  • path - The path to the directory to be looked up or created. Either an absolute path, or a relative path from this DirectoryEntry. (DOMString)
  • options - Options to specify whether the directory is created if it doesn't exist. (Flags)
  • successCallback - A callback that is invoked with a DirectoryEntry object. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs creating or looking up the directory. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(parent) {
    console.log("Parent Name: " +;

function fail(error) {
    alert("Unable to create new directory: " + error.code);

// Retrieve an existing directory, or create it if it does not already exist
entry.getDirectory("newDir", {create: true, exclusive: false}, success, fail);


Creates or looks up a file. It is an error to attempt to:

  • create a file whose immediate parent does not yet exist.


  • path - The path to the file to be looked up or created. Either an absolute path, or a relative path from this DirectoryEntry. (DOMString)
  • options - Options to specify whether the file is created if it doesn't exist. (Flags)
  • successCallback - A callback that is invoked with a FileEntry object. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs creating or looking up the file. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(parent) {
    console.log("Parent Name: " +;

function fail(error) {
    alert("Failed to retrieve file: " + error.code);

// Retrieve an existing file, or create it if it does not exist
entry.getFile("newFile.txt", {create: true, exclusive: false}, success, fail);


Deletes a directory and all of its contents. In the event of an error (e.g. trying to delete a directory that contains a file that cannot be removed), some of the contents of the directory may be deleted. It is an error to attempt to:

  • delete the root directory of a filesystem.


  • successCallback - A callback that is called after the DirectoryEntry has been deleted. Invoked with no parameters. (Function)
  • errorCallback - A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the DirectoryEntry. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)

Quick Example

function success(parent) {
    console.log("Remove Recursively Succeeded");

function fail(error) {
    alert("Failed to remove directory or it's contents: " + error.code);

// remove the directory and all it's contents
entry.removeRecursively(success, fail);