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Cordova Android 6.2.1 Released!
05 Apr 2017

We are happy to announce that Cordova Android 6.2.1 has been released!

This release has fixed issues introduced by the Android SDK Tools 25.3.1 release. Google dropped support for the android binary, so cordova-android has now adopted support for the avdmanager and sdkmanager binaries. We have also taken the opportunity to rewrite how we use gradle on the user's system. cordova-android now requires Android Studio or Gradle to be installed on the user's system.

This release also adds support for the <resource-file> element in config.xml which copies specified files during a cordova prepare. This allows providing arbitrary files such as special notification-sized icons, or API configuration JSON files.

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android@6.2.1

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add android@6.2.1

This release will have to be explicitly added until the upcoming cordova@7 release, where it will be pinned as the default android platform.

What's new in Android

  • CB-12621 reverted elementtree dep to 0.1.6
  • CB-12614 Adding headers to tests
  • CB-8978 Prepare copy resource-files from config.xml
  • CB-12605 Fix a requirements check failure on Windows
  • CB-12595 This should find an Android Studio installation and use the sweet gradle center found inside
  • CB-12546 leverage avdmanager if android warns it is no longer useful, which happens in Android SDK Tools 25.3.1. Explicitly set the CWD of the spawned emulator process to workaround a recent google android sdk bug. Actually include the android_sdk_version.bat file in generated cordova-android projects for our lovely Windows users.
  • CB-12524 Fix for missing gradle template error. This now fetches the template from inside of the Android Studio directory, and falls back to a locally installed Gradle instance
  • CB-12465 Writing new JUnit Test Instrumentation to replace tests and retire problematic tests