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Cordova Android 6.1.1 Released!
05 Jan 2017

We are happy to announce that Cordova Android 6.1.1 has been released!

Run the following command in your project to save your currently installed plugins into config.xml:

cordova plugin save

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android@6.1.1

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add android@6.1.1

What's new in Android

  • CB-12159 Android Keystore password prompt won't show up
  • CB-12169 Check for build directory before running a clean
  • Fixed AndroidStudio tests to actually run, removed app/src/main/assets/ as a requirement and added app/src/main/res instead, added placeholder for build/ folder, Removed dupe gitignore