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Cordova-Common Release
19 Jun 2018

We are happy to announce that cordova-common 2.2.4 has been released. This is one of the libraries used behind-the-scenes by nearly all of the Cordova tooling and provides utilities for dealing with things like config.xml parsing.

Release Highlights

The purpose of this release is to resolve issues with dependencies on cordova-ios@4. Here are the major changes:

  • Revert change to use strip-bom package to strip BOM
  • Revert change to update dependencies in package.json (needed to resolve issues with cordova-ios@4) but keep using plist@^3.0.1 to avoid npm audit issue

Deprecation Note

As NodeJS 4.x support ended on April 30th, 2018, we are proceeding with our previously announced deprecation timeline. This is probably the last release that will support NodeJS 4.x.