Cordova iOS 4.0.1
18 Dec 2015
We are happy to announce that Cordova iOS 4.0.1
has been released. This is a patch release.
To upgrade:
npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update ios@4.0.1
To add it explicitly:
cordova platform add ios@4.0.1
What's new in iOS platform
- CB-10185 - Update CordovaLib.xcodeproj to recommended settings in Xcode 7.2
- CB-10171 - WebKit Error after migration to iOS@4.0.0
- CB-10155 - DisallowOverscroll not working
- CB-10168 - CDVViewController appURL is nil if wwwFolderName is the path to a resource bundle
- CB-10162 - update reference url for icon images
- CB-10162 - correct the paths for iOS icon and splashscreen resources